Abstract |
The problems that need to be addressed by the Ministry of Education at present are : Is there School administrators in high achieving schools serve as developers of a school culture and they are considered the main source and the driving force for continuous educational effectivenessany measuring instrument on school effectiveness that suits Malaysian school setting ? dimensions of school effectiveness : (1). Academic Performance; (2). School Programme; (3). Organizational Management; (4). Learning Environment; and (5). School Achievement.If no, how do the Ministry of Education and the State Education Department determine and justify whether a school administrator has brought effectiveness to a school ? of options and alternatives to choose from to suit our purposes and objectives. In short, Even though there are existing instruments abroad in the market, it seems that these instruments are not locally-based and the sub-scale compositions may not be relevant to the Malaysian context. It is undeniable that we do have instruments to measure certain aspects of a school but the issues here are “what” is being measured, “how” it is measured, and what are the dimensions or indicators used to measure school effectiveness. Thus, developing other measuring instruments would not be an issue as we would then have a lot having another developed School Effectiveness Indicators Checklist (E-SEIC) would be an alternative for the Ministry of Education and State Education Departments to use this measuring tool as a means to measure the level of school effectiveness apart from the existing tools in Malaysia. The School Effectiveness Indicators Checklist is used to provide a means to gauge school performance on the five vital dimensions related to school |