Abstract |
numerical model, firstly developed in 2016 and further improved to facilitate
teaching and learning activities. Conventionally, Taking-Off (TO) is used to
record all dimensions from construction drawing into a Dimension Paper,
before producing Bill Of Quantity (BQ), the list of items giving the quantities
and descriptions of works related to the construction with the total cost. The
purpose of this model is to combine both TO and BQ processes that are
usually done manually and involve a lot of papers into a simple medium that is
more productive and efficient. In class, the time spent to prepare TO and BQ
is usually too long and AUTO2-BQ v2 is capable to verify the calculation while
enhancing the students understanding on the TO format and steps required in
the calculation. The users will only need to key in all the dimensions required
for the basic structures (beam, slab, foundation) and the quantity and cost of
the items will be automatically produced. The price list for the BQ is also
flexible and can be updated accordingly to the materials current market price.
It saves time to be prepared and is also beneficial to the construction industry
especially when they have trainees. We believe that this product will have its
own commercial value as it gives practical benefits especially to the lecturers,
students, and even engineers in the industry. This product is also in line with
Chapter 3 in syllabus ECM366 under EC110 program in UiTM. Future
improvement are expected with collaboration with other faculties in UiTM and
with the industries have been planned. |