Abstract |
The keeping of research, publication and training records is very important for the purpose of reporting, monitoring, assessing achievements and planning the academic advancement of a university. Publication, Training & Research Administration System (PuTRAS) is a comprehensive Web-based system which allows the management to keep and access records and reports effectively and efficiently. Three easy steps are involved. First, a lecturer accesses PuTRAS website by using his/her user id and passward to enter records on publications and research. Secondly, an authorised officer in the relevant unit validates the records. Thirdly, reports with the latest information can be generated or accessed by authorised officers or the management at any time and from anywhere. PuTRAS generated staff directory containing information on staff research and publications, can easily be accessed through UiTM Sarawak website which helps to promote lecturers internationally. The system can be commercialised by customising for any organisation. |