Abstract |
numerical model, specifically developed for industrial sectors to simplify the
processes of quantifying the construction cost. Taking-Off (TO) is the
process of recording all dimensions from construction drawing into a
Dimension Paper whereas Bill Of Quantity (BQ) is the list of items giving the
quantities and descriptions of works related to the construction with the total
cost. The time spent to prepare TO and BQ is usually too long and could
cause delay to the start of construction work. The purpose of this model is to
combine both TO and BQ processes that are usually done manually and
involve a lot of papers into a simple medium that is more productive and
efficient. The user will only need to key in all the required information and
the quantity and cost of the items will be automatically produced. The price
list is also flexible and can be updated. It saves time to be prepared and can
be shared easily to all related parties through e-mail. Not only beneficial to
the construction industry, this model is also applicable for teaching and
learning purposes and can be used worldwide. The usage of AUTO2-BQ in
construction will surely help to improve the tedious processes of preparing
TO and BQ, and indirectly improve the services provided by the project
developer. We believe that this product will have its own commercial value
as it gives practical benefits especially to the developers, engineers and
contractors in the industry. |